Invitation to Re-Engage

Let’s celebrate the work of Good Hope’s committees! They do everything from planning for worship to supervising the maintenance of our property, from hosting receptions and fellowship events to leading us in Christian stewardship, from promoting the spread of the Gospel to organizing and leading various youth activities.
As a church, we want to take a closer look at how committees can become more effective. Even before covid, some committees were seeking for additional help. Currently, there are three committees searching for people to re-engage. First is the Education Committee, led by Paula. Second is the Fellowship Committee, led by Karen. Third is the Evangelism Committee, working cooperatively with Pastor Bob.
Please pray. More than 3 people per committee is critical. Vacation Bible School, the church picnic, renewed evangelism efforts, welcome sessions, youth outings, and additional fellowship events— all are great opportunities to. You can support them by getting involved with one of our committees. Please call the office if you feel called to re-engage.
