Ministry Spotlight

Two women in our congregation have been vital to Good Hope’s ministry to our very youngest members. From Luke 18:15-16: Now they were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them. And when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.”
You are familiar with The Good News of Good Hope, but do you know about the Splash newsletter? Every month, parents of our children, from birth to age three, receive Splash. Janie faithfully mails a monthly newsletters specifically designed for each month a child’s development, which includes encouragement for parents and ideas to help families incorporate faith into their everyday lives.

A second ministry that is really behind the scenes is Cradle Roll. Every connection Good Hope makes with our youngest members and their families is important; we want to communicate to parents that they, and their children, are welcomed and valued. Jeanette keeps track of the birthdays of children from birth to age three and sends them birthday cards.

Though these two women serve quietly, they serve faithfully. Every Splash newsletter and every card reminds young families that Christ’s church is here, and wants to support them.
Faith formation begins early and continues in Sunday School and into confirmation years.
Thank you, Janie and Jeannette, for planting seeds for the Kingdom.
